August 31, 2009 -"Can America end up with Civilian Prison Labor Camps?" By Joseph Parish. Our American Army units are legally authorized to establish civilian prisoner labor camps on the very lands of military installations that our taxes pay for. These actions are authorized by a little known regulation which permits these acts under the request of the Bureau of Prisons. This regulation is Army Regulation 210-35. This is not a newly established law laid out by the Obama administration but rather one that was defined under the Bush administration when they were expanding the presidential powers during any emergency situation. Click here
Monday, August 31, 2009
Are Ethnic specific Bio-weapons a Reality?
August 31, 2009 - "Are Ethnic specific Bio-weapons a Reality?" By Joseph Parish. What could be the most effective military weapon devised other then an Ethnic specific bio-weapon. At the desire of the federal government such a weapon could provide security and protection for a country without firing a single shot from conventional arms. Do you view this idea as a script for a potential science fiction movie? If so don’t jump to that conclusion so fast. Click here
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 (S. 773)
August 30, 2009 - "The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 (S. 773)" This bill up for vote at this time will grant Obama the power to shut down internet as well as to ignore current laws. Click here
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Coping with Survival Stress
August 29, 2009 - "Coping with Survival Stress" By Joseph Parish. We are all feeling the bite from the economic changes which are taking place in every phase of our lives. These changes are particularly evident when we are laying the framework for our emergency survival plans. These unexpected changes can be some of the most stressful times especially when combined with the current state of the country. Add to your discontents the government’s response to specific actions, the unemployment situation, a possible disaster or the potential death of a loved one and your life can become very devastated. Click here
Friday, August 28, 2009
Beekeeping Information from the Delaware Extension Service
August 28, 2009 - "Beekeeping Information from the Delaware Extension Service" Today we have a small selection of publications which comes from the University of Delaware Extension Services. These publications deal with the subject of Bees and Beekeeping. I hope that you find something of value here. Publications are in PDF format. Click here
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the problem here
August 28, 2009 - "It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the problem here" By Joseph Parish. Since the White House now it projecting a much larger deficit then previously expected they are acting surprised and amazed. It appears that the only people who had no clue that we had an exploding deficit were those who were generating this debt to begin with. White House officials have finally admitted that the upcoming fiscal statistics are much bleaker than those initially estimated by the Obama administration. Click here
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Utah State Publications on Food Storage
August 26, 2009 - "Utah State Publications on Food Storage" by Joseph Parish. We all realize the value of having a sufficient food storage selection. Emergency tend to pop up at just about anytime and usually when we least expect them. The University of Utah Extension Service has generously provided Delmarva Survival Training with the following PDF publications to help us on our way. Click here
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Ordering a Pizza in 2012 Under the New Healthcare Reform
August 25, 2009 - "Ordering a Pizza in 2012 Under the New Healthcare Reform" Can this be what we are up to seeing in the future? Click here
An open letter to Gordon Brown
August 25, 2009 - "An open letter to Gordon Brown" By Joseph Parish. I have but a single question to relate to you Mr. Brown. Would you still be so quick to push for the release of the Lockerbie bomber if the 270 lives aboard the flight were British instead of American? I tend to doubt so. Therefore it certainly appears that you place little value in American life. Click here
Monday, August 24, 2009
Habanera Peppers and saving the seeds
August 24, 2009 - "Habanera Peppers and saving the seeds" By Joseph Parish. A recent conversation with a close friend revealed his concern about saving vegetable seeds in the event of a world wide collapse in the infrastructure. His major concern was the saving of non hybrid type seeds. I explained to him that there are4currently several rather large storage facilities which specialize only in saving these heirloom seeds in the event of disasters. Click here
Sunday, August 23, 2009
My Paintings
August 23, 2009 - "My Paintings" Someone recently saw one of my profiles on the web where it stated that I liked to paint. They asked if I would show some of my work and so I am placing photos of it online. As you may be able to gather I am a big fan of Picasso. I have done a considerable amount of studies on his work. Click here
Here we go with the race card again
August 23, 2009 - "Here we go with the race card again" By Joseph Parish. I was totally amazed when I recently read the New York Governor Paterson’s indication that he is experiencing his low popularity standings merely as a result of racism. Just because people feel that he should not seek another term as governor has nothing what so ever to do with racism as much as it does his negative attitude and his failure at effectively functioning in his elected position. I regretfully inform the governor that it is not the color of ones skin which is creating his political problems but perhaps it is more his inabilities to operate and manage a state the size of New York. Click here
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Swine flu jab link to killer nerve disease
August 22, 2009 - "Swine flu jab link to killer nerve disease" Leaked letter reveals concern of neurologists over 25 deaths in America" By Jo Macfarlane. A warning that the new swine flu jab is linked to a deadly nerve disease has been sent by the Government to senior neurologists in a confidential letter. The letter from the Health Protection Agency, the official body that oversees public health, has been leaked to "The Mail" on Sunday, leading to demands to know why the information has not been given to the public before the vaccination of millions of people, including children, begins. Click here
Toxic Chemical Proof your Home
August 22, 2009 - "Toxic Chemical Proof your Home" By Joseph Parish. As survivalists we all tend to accumulate many diverse supplies of which are included a vast array of chemicals. Perhaps someone is collecting certain ones for the time when the balloon goes up and some “MacGyver” type actions are appropriate. You would be surprised what a little backyard type chemistry could accomplish. Click here
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
What did you say your age was Mr. Obama
August 18, 2009 - "What did you say your age was Mr. Obama?" By Joseph Parish. There has been considerable buzz lately concerning Barack Hussein Obama’s actual birth date. According to most internet documentation Mr. Obama was born in 1961 which if true would easily qualify him as being eligible to run for president of the United States. However a review of his blog site recently has revealed something entirely different about this man. Click here
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Officials see rise in militia groups across U.S
August 16, 2009 - "Officials see rise in militia groups across U.S." Here it goes again. time to pick on the militia. They are now saying that the Militia groups with gripes against the government are regrouping across the country and could grow rapidly, according to an organization that tracks such trends. Click here
Thursday, August 13, 2009
What are the minimal requirements for long term survival?
August 13, 2009 - "What are the minimal requirements for long term survival?" By Joseph Parish. People have often approached me and inquired as to what I consider to be the minimal necessities which they should stock up with for a family other then the obvious necessities such as food and water. Click here
Senator Kaufman's Response on Judge Sotomayor
August 13, 2009 - "Senator Kaufman's Response on Judge Sotomayor" I recently submitted a letter to both of our Senators here in Delaware opposing the nomination of Judge Sotomayor. Here is a letter that I received back from one senator. The other Senator will more then likely not respond. According to our Senator this lady walks on water! Click here
White House Objects to Poster That Invokes Obama Children
August 13, 2009 - "White House Objects to Poster That Invokes Obama Children" The posters went up last week, 14 in Union Station. On each of the large displays, a thought bubble rises up from a picture of a beautiful 8-year-old: "President Obama's daughters get healthy school lunches. Why don't I?" Click here
On the value of radio for survival
August 13, 2009 - "On the value of radio for survival" By Joseph Parish. Imagine yourself in a situation where you need to maintain some sort of constant communications. Which of the following forms would you select as being the most reliable, cell phone or some form of radio? Click here
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Storing Water Barrels
August 12, 2009 - "Storing Water Barrels" Here is a really neat water storage idea. This rack holds fifty-five gallon drums of water HORIZONTALLY so the water can be extracted simply by turning on a faucet. No pumps, no siphons. Click here
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Late tomato planting
August 9, 2009 - "Late tomato planting" By Joseph Parish. Can you already taste that juicy vine ripened tomato that you pick fresh from your own garden area? I can, but I simply did not get my plants in early enough. I know most of you backyard gardeners have probably already planted your tomatoes and are patiently awaiting the fruits to develop. Unfortunately, as usual I am behind in getting some of my garden planting completed but all is not lost. Click here
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Senate vote on Sotomayor Supreme court confirmation
August 8, 2009 - "Senate vote on Sotomayor Supreme court confirmation" by Joseph Parish. Well ladies and Gentlemen the votes are in. It appears that this wise Latino has won her case. The vote was 68 to 31 on Thursday in the Senate to confirmed Sonia Sotomayor of New York as a Supreme Court associate justice. Click here
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Crowd Explodes When Arlen Specter Urges That We Do This Fast
August 6, 2009 - "Crowd Explodes When Arlen Specter Urges That We Do This Fast" And yet another attempt to regain our country. Arlen Specter makes a gaffe by saying this needs to be done fast, crowd Explodes. Click here
Tim Bishop Protest, Setauket, NY
August 6, 2009 - "Tim Bishop Protest, Setauket, NY" The silent constituents begin to speak out and protest before Tim Bishops arrival and speak out in frustration at the meeting. Outdoor protesters can be heard and seen. Silent no more. Click here
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Ruby Ridge Revisited
August 5, 2009 - "Ruby Ridge Revisited" By Joseph Parish. Most people have heard about the historical 1992 violent confrontation at Ruby Ridge in the state of Idaho between the Randy Weaver family and federal agents. Randy moved his family to Idaho in an attempt escape what he termed a corrupt world. His plans were to home school his small children and live peacefully away from society. His wife Vicki was a firm believer that the apocalypse was soon to occur and believed that her family would be safe in their remote mountain area. Click here
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
My Aerogarden Evaluation
August 4, 2009 - "My Aerogarden Evaluation" By Joseph Parish. When they originally came out with the Aerogarden units I thought to myself what a unique way to grown some produce in my kitchen so I decided to purchase one and now every time someone comes to visit they comment on it. I am usually asked how well it grows plants so I decided to write a short review on its capabilities and disadvantages. Click here
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Back up Systems
August 2, 2009 - "Back up Systems" By Joseph Parish. There are many different techniques that can be used to start a fire under emergency conditions. The traditional techniques that involved a fire stick or fire drill which is rotated is certainly beyond my use. I feel it is a slow and labor intensive method. For many thousands of years people would bang stones together that containing iron in order to get a sparks to light some lose tinder. In addition, there are several other means by which fire could be produced such as a hand drill, bow drill, fire plow, fire pump, by use of sunlight and a lens, a fire piston or through the process of chemical reactions. Click here
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