Thursday, November 26, 2009

Winter Bug Out

November 26, 2009 - "Winter Bug Out" By Joseph Parish. Let us now continue our train of thought on using campers as bug out retreats or possible BOV extensions. As with any emergency scenario it is impossible for us to select the perfect circumstances and time when a crisis will occur. Generally these situations will be beyond our control. It could happen in the summer or during a time when ole man winter is kicking up a storm. Click here

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A kit for every purpose

November 25, 2009 - "A kit for every purpose" By Joseph Parish. Most people do not realize that one type of first aid kit simply will not fit all situations. To be effective a first aid kit should be custom created according to the situation at hand. I feel that in general there are four basic types of kits that you could create. The actual contents will vary according to the season, your location and your planned use of it. No one can set a standard on any kit except the user themselves. Click here

Saturday, November 14, 2009


November 14, 2009 - HOT ITEM In view of the fake APN sites going online I have been forced to rescind my policy on permitting free duplication of my copyrighted articles. I will not in anyway be a part of this back stabbing activities against the original APN. APN and its ORIGINAL sites are still welcome to use my materials however all other websites must obtain permission to use any of my copyrighted materials.

Rodent control when going mobile

November 14, 2009 - "Rodent control when going mobile" By Joseph Parish. One of the primary concerns that you will have if you decide to join the mobile society will be the control of mice and other annoying rodents in your camper. When one considers the initial cost of these units, it almost insults your sense of value when you see how really cheap these campers are constructed. One would expect a bit more quality in both the construction and the workmanship, but we have to make due with what we have before us. Click here

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Quest for Freedom – Part 2

November 10, 2009 - "A Quest for Freedom – Part 2" By Joseph Parish. As we previously mentioned there are a lot of people who merely dream about doing what I am about to describe. The latest estimates indicate that there are currently more then a million full time mobile residences in America alone. Many of these people are elderly or retired while you can also find others who hold down a full time job. In our case our ultimate goal is to provide a small nest egg for some future land purchase. Click here

Monday, November 9, 2009

A Quest for Freedom – Part I

November 9, 2009 - "A Quest for Freedom – Part I" By Joseph Parish. It has been considerable time since I last wrote any new articles or posted to my web site and the primary reason behind this is that I am in the process of becoming a more mobile survivalist. My family and I have finally taken the plunge and stowed all our belongings in four 10 x 15 storage units and moved physically into our travel trailer. This interchange was not conducted without adequate consideration of how these various actions would affect my family and all members inputs were taken into consideration prior to finalizing the decision. In the end we all agreed that it was the best course of action for us to take. Click here

Sunday, November 8, 2009

GPS Horror

November 8, 2009 - "GPS Horror" By Joseph Parish. As survivalists and preppers it is important for each of us to fully comprehend the various safety factors which come into play and are crucial functions of our well being. These functions of management are just as valuable as being properly prepared. Often times we are so intent and focused upon the mechanics involved in the preparations that we completely overlook any aspects that may concern the safety of our family and those of our friends who rely upon us. Click here