Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Communications Capabilities

March 31, 2009 - "Communications Capabilities" By Joseph Parish. One of the foremost questions that many people ask is what they can do about obtaining valuable information and communicating with other people during times of crisis. Let’s face it our cell phones may not be much use to us after the emergency generators that operate the cell phone towers run out of fuel and are effectively dead. Click here

Monday, March 30, 2009

Winter Bug out Exercise

March 30, 2009 - "Winter Bug out Exercise" By Joseph Parish. When a crisis is about to befall us we can never know what time of the year it will occur and as such we must be prepared. We would all hope that if and when it happens we will have fair weather but that is certainly one thing that we can not count upon. Click here

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What do you Want?

March 29, 2009 - "What do you want?" By Joseph Parish. I had an informal meeting the other day with several of my friends and the main topic of conversation centered on what people would want to see in the way of the web site. Are they interested in chat areas, perhaps they would rather see product reviews. Or just about anything that they wish to have on the site. Do you want a classified section? Would you use it? Click here

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The X Cargo Roof Top Carriers and bugging Out

March 28, 2009 - "The X Cargo Roof Top Carriers and bugging out" By Joseph Parish. Often times we drive down the highway and make a mental note of one of the cargo roof top carrier which appears on many of the vehicles that we pass. At once we start to wonder as to the value of these items during a possible bug out situation. Would they benefit us? Do they have any sort of merit in survival? These are questions which we need to answer. Click here

Friday, March 27, 2009

Like Minded Folks

March 27, 2009 - "Like Minded Folk" by Joseph Parish. Many people have asked me over the last several years about getting a group of like minded people together just in cases one of our worse case scenarios come to past. To this I can only say that I would put the feelers out and see what I get back. Click here

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Delmarva Survival Training needs Volunteers

March 26, 2009 - "Delmarva Survival Training needs Volunteers" By Joseph Parish. As a resident of the Delmarva Peninsula I completely appreciate that many disasters and emergencies could await me. These situations could very well be in a form of influenza virus which might someway strike our area or it could possibly be a terrorist attack. Perchance there is a catastrophe associated with one of the chemical plants in the northern part of our state. The point is that we can be very vulnerable to emergency situations and as such we should learn to prepare ourselves for such events. Click here

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Registration of Special Needs People

March 25, 2009 - "Registration of Special Needs People" By Joseph Parish. We have countless people within our Delmarva Peninsula that have special requirements and needs. As responsible citizens it is our duties to ensure that during periods of emergencies these people are suitably cared for. Click here

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Kitchen Sprouter

March 24, 2009 - "Kitchen Sprouter" Having looked carefully at all the commercial kitchen sprouter that are on the market I decided that prior to purchasing a store bought unit that I would try to make my own. I felt it would be very simple to take a mason jar, a rubber band and some cheese cloth and construct my own. click here

Monday, March 23, 2009

On the importance of Survival Kits during Blackouts

March 23, 2009 - "On the importance of Survival Kits during Blackouts" By Joseph Parish. As soon as any sort of emergency situation is over the people involved usually vow that they will be well prepared should the same thing happen to them in the future. The problem is that when disaster strikes again they are generally no better prepared the second time then they were the first. Click here