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February 28, 2010 - "A Few Natural Antibiotics" By Joseph Parish. In today’s modern society more and more people are becoming aware of the antibiotic properties associated with raw, crushed garlic cloves. These popular ingredients when placed in a spoonful of native honey do a fair job of fighting off various illnesses. This combination may perhaps burn your stomach as it goes down but it is just about guaranteed to provide positive results. Click here
February 27, 2010 - "Expiration Dates of canned foods" By Joseph Parish. One of the most frequent questions often asked by preppers who have recently begun their food storage program is how long specific foods will last before going bad. Although many companies list expiration dates for their products, I generally have found these were more of a CYA then anything else. Usually the corporation would rather err on the side of safety then risk a legal entanglement. I personally do not place much value in these dates for I have eaten canned vegetables that have expiration dates 5 years in the past. Click here
February 26, 2010 - "Natural Aspirin" By Joseph Parish. Since the beginning of medical history mankind has embraced certain types of tree barks which have been praised for there value in reducing fever, inflammation or pain. These barks have one common ingredient which allows them to retain foothold in medical value. It is the most potent pain killer found in nature. Click here
February 25, 2010 - "Canned Good Shelf Life And Stamped Code Decoder" by Gail Fialkow. The following grid will help you decipher those confusing codes on the tops and sides of canned, boxed, bottled goods. Hint: set your page setup to print landscape. Click here
February 24, 2010 - "The College Professor and the United States Marine". by Joseph Parish. As the tale goes, recently a young American Marine Recruit was attending some of the local college courses as he awaited his new assignment. He had previously completed several back to back missions in both Iraq and also in Afghanistan. One of his courses that he was taking was being taught by a professor that was known to be a strict atheist as well as a supporter of the American Civil Liberties Union. Click here
February 23, 2010 - "Selection of a Power Inverter for your BOV" By Joseph Parish. The goal of this article is to assist the new survivalist in selecting an appropriate power inverter for use in their Bug out vehicle. Click here
February 20, 2010 - "Bug out to North Carolina" By Joseph Parish. We decided to mix pleasure with work and combined our winter Bug Out exercise with visiting my youngest son in North Carolina. This particular outing with the Dolphin motor home revealed many weak spots revolving around our trip planning. With that fact understood I started to investigate a better method of packing the RV. RV’s can be a great source of fun or as in our case a lifesaver when needed for survival but the key lies in packing it properly. Click here
February 19, 2010 - "BOV RV Modifications I" By Joseph Parish. Our new bug out vehicle is a Dolphin Motor Home which has some 116,000 miles on it and it is still running strong. It takes a lot to kill those old 22R Toyota engines. We purchased our Dolphin for use as a BOV in the early part of 2010. It is a model 400 which places the sofa behind the driver seat and the bathroom in the rear. Like anyone else who owns a motor home we take pride in the modifications that we have planned for our Dolphin BOV. All modifications listed here are planned for our own use only and we will not be responsible for anyone else’s use of these modifications. Click here
February 7, 2010 - "What kind of skills do you have?" By Joseph Parish. Often people simply do not have the necessary funds needed to purchase survival retreats so the next best thing is to join some sort of organized group. Naturally, nothing in life is free and you will need to pay something for the benefits of belonging to this group in one way or another. If you are lacking the necessary funds needed then perhaps your payment may be in the form of skillful labor. Click here
February 6, 2010 - "Bug Out Exercise Vehicle Departure Checklist" By Joseph Parish. We all tend to forget important items when actually performing a bug out exercise. About the only way to prevent such things from occurring is to do as the military does and use checklists. Included in the checklist are several items that should be performed prior to departure if time permits. Click here
February 4, 2010 - "Finding Tire Dates" By Joseph Parish. Every now and then you may have to check the date on your tires whether it be for warranty purposes or just for your own peace of mind. This article will explain to you just how to check these dates. Click here
February 1, 2010 - "A Leap into an Active Imagination" By Joseph Parish. We all have become accustomed to the various symptoms associated with the dreaded swine flu as well as the many hypotheses that have sprung up contributing to its origins. What I am about to put into these pages is nothing less then a figment of my imagination and should not be construed as fact in any way what so ever. Click here